Interview with the Editor

Interview with the Editor

The following questions are based on those I suggest authors ask when determining which editor(s) to choose. FIRST: THE VIBE CHECK EXPERIENCE. Where did you gain your skills? I received my BA in Professional Writing, my MA in Writing and my MFA in Fiction. I also hold...
Where to Find a Book Editor

Where to Find a Book Editor

It’s a question that I see a lot online: where do I find a book editor? We can be so focused on getting our words down (as we should be!) that we forget to look into those next steps. If you find yourself in need of an editor, I’ve gathered a few places you can...
5 Things Your Editor Wants You to Know

5 Things Your Editor Wants You to Know

There can be a lot of anxiety around having someone else read through your manuscript—especially when that someone is reading it to provide constructive criticism. This is completely normal. Here are 5 things book editors want you to know: 1) We’re not here to judge...
How to Choose Your Editor(s)

How to Choose Your Editor(s)

I see this question asked often across social media and forums. After all, editing is a large investment and the writing community is flooded with folks calling themselves an editor. So, what should you consider? Experience is a key aspect of finding the right person...
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