by Kayleigh | Nov 10, 2023 | Editing Tips, Writing Tips
Murray’s quote is one that’s commonly referenced (sometimes stated as “writing is revising” or some other variation). However you’ve heard them said, these are three simple words of hard truth. While everyone has their own process, the...
by Kayleigh | Nov 3, 2023 | Editing Tips, Writing Tips
When transitioning from your drafting phase to revision, it can be useful to approach your changes from the biggest level of edits (plot holes, character development, etc.) first and work your way down to the smallest edits, like grammar and punctuation. In other...
by Kayleigh | Sep 8, 2023 | Editing Tips
The end of August was a bit of a hassle with some emergency vet visits (all good now!), so after a brief hiatus from the Friday Tips, I’m back! Writers, you don’t have to accept every edit or suggestion offered on your manuscript. While you may not have as much...
by Kayleigh | Jun 23, 2023 | Editing Tips, Writing Tips
If an editor (or cover designer, illustrator, book formatter, etc.) seems out of your price range, don’t give up! Ask if they have another service that you could benefit from, or if they provide a “light” version of the service you’re...
by Kayleigh | Jun 16, 2023 | Editing Tips, Writing Tips
What YOU know about your world and your characters should be greater than what makes it to the page. If you find yourself explaining every little detail (or info dumping), step back and ask what you need to show to tell your story vs. what you can remove. 🖊 Need help...
by Kayleigh | Jun 14, 2023 | Editing Tips, Publishing Tips
Not sure which of my services is right for your story? This is a question I get often when someone first reaches out, and the answer comes down to your goal for your work. Are you looking: ✨ to revise and polish your completed novel-length manuscript; ✨ for feedback...