Finding Comps

Finding Comps

When looking for comps, stop seeking exact matches and look instead for books that relate to your themes, plot, style and voice, characters, and the general structure of the journey or tale you’re telling. Let’s back up: What’s a comp? Comparison (“comp”) titles...
Authors, You NEED a Website!

Authors, You NEED a Website!

As we witness an upheaval taking place across the social media landscape, it’s important for authors to have a website to serve as the centerpiece of their author brand presence. For many, it sounds like a lot of work. So, why is it important? Your Website = Your...
Plan Your “Freebies” Early

Plan Your “Freebies” Early

Writers, you should start thinking about your marketing strategy early—even while you’re still revising. Cutting major chapters and scenes? Don’t throw them away! Save them in a separate file and clean them up to be bonus material on your site later, or a...
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