Plan Your “Freebies” Early

Plan Your “Freebies” Early

Writers, you should start thinking about your marketing strategy early—even while you’re still revising. Cutting major chapters and scenes? Don’t throw them away! Save them in a separate file and clean them up to be bonus material on your site later, or a...
Advanced Reader Copies = Advertising Write-Off

Advanced Reader Copies = Advertising Write-Off

There was a lot of fuss about advanced reader copies (ARCs) over in the Twitter-sphere recently, and whether or not a reviewer is committing theft by accepting an ARC and not providing a review. The fact of the matter is that the publishing industry has been using...
Author Website

Author Website

When I visit your website, I should know from the home page what your latest book is or, if it’s not out yet, what it is and when it’s landing. I should also know where to buy it (and hopefully have the links right there). Need more insight and help? Let’s...