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I'll be a plot point.

You be the hero.

Get a fresh perspective and personalized support as you write the next draft of your book.

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Your Next Chapter Starts Here

I started In the Margins to support fiction authors in their creative journey. Because everyone is at a different stage of writing and publishing, I offer a variety of services to meet you where you are.

Developmental Editing

Make sure the “big picture” elements of your manuscript are coming together they way you want them to.

Beta Reading

Check if your story is landing with feedback from a reader’s perspective with the insights and skill of a professional editor.

1:1 Workshopping

Get support and feedback on that stubborn chapter or short story through one-on-one workshop sessions.

Writers' Groups & Events

Find your writing community here. I provide quiet writing spaces, fun writing sprints, folks to hold you accountable, and more.

Cheer and encouragement are included with every service, free of charge.

Write Your Own Happily Ever After

This is your story. It’s time to take control of what happens.
Get the support you need to feel more confident in your work and to take the next step toward your publishing goals.

Get individualized feedback and suggestions for your fiction. I can:

✓ Provide in-depth feedback on your manuscript or short story.
✓ Brainstorm with you through your writing road blocks.
✓ Give you confidence in your story and in your writing.

You know when you go to a car wash and you come out the other end and feel gobsmacked at how clean they were able to get the car? That’s the effect Kayleigh has on any piece of work she touches.

Jennifer Bangoura

Don't take it from me. Take it from them.

Get individualized feedback and suggestions for your fiction. I can:

✓ Provide in-depth feedback on your manuscript or short story.
✓ Brainstorm with you through your writing road blocks.
✓ Give you confidence in your story and in your writing.

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